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I wanted to demonstrate some of the basic exercises the OnTrak Personal Training team think most people should do or learn to do. The pictures were taken by my wife. I do not take drugs or use any kind of fat burners. I wanted the pictures to be as realistic as possible. No photo-shopping, no lighting effects, nothing. What you see is what you get.






















This is obviously a more advanced exercise, because you have to lift your own body weight.  I think this is one of the best back exercises you can do if done properly.  This exercise works the entire back.  Be careful not to over extend at the bottom of the exercise, because your shoulders could come out of their sockets and stretch the joint capsule.  Squeeze your back muscles at the top of the exercise. Control the exercise and you lessen your risk of injuries.






















Close Grip Bench Press

Many people like to do this exercise with a much closer grip than I.  I find that putting your thumbs about shoulder width apart doesn't put as much pressure on your wrists.  This puts more emphasis on the triceps and middle part of the chest.














Normal Width Bench Press

I put my pinkies on the markers on the bar.  Sometimes the markers are different on different bars so always go for feel.  Lower the bar in a controlled manner. Never let the weight control you.  Make sure your wrists don't bend back too far.  Try to make your wrists more of an extension of your forearm.  Lower the bar slowly to the chest.  The slower you go, the harder the exercise.  So let's stay controlled.









Rear Delt Fly

This exercise is for the rear part of the shoulder and upper back.  Attach a resistant band almost direclty in front of you.  Pull the hands back trying to make a reverse T.  Keep tension on the band through the whole exercise.  Concentrate on rear part of shoulder and upper back.










Side Raise/Lateral Shoulder Raise

This exercise works the middle deltoid or the side of the shoulder.  With the feet shoulder width apart, start the weight at the side of the legs and pull them up concentrating on the side of the shoulder.  Be careful not to come up too high, above the chin, try to make a T.  Keep the weights lighter so you are in control.






Standing Biceps Curl (Bicep)

With feet shoulder width apart, and hands to your sides, pull the weight up with the front of the arm (bicep).  Squeeze the bicep at the top of the exercise.  Try to this by concentrating on the exercise and watching the muscle work.  The wrist should be tilted slightly back trying to point the palm of the hand towards the bicep muscle.












Lat Pulldown (primarily whole upper back)

Grip the bar with wide grip. Lean slightly back and stick out your chest.  Squeeze the shoulder blades together.  Pull the bar down toward the top of the chest.  Squeeze the back together.  Control the weight.  Do not use any momentum, you want your muscles to do the work.















Upright Row

Works the upper part of back (Trapezius muscle).  Start with the bar at the upper thigh.  With a grip 18 to 24 inches apart, pull with the upper back up. Do not pull past the chin.  Keep the bar close to the body and keep your elbows above the wrists.  Be careful not to let the wrists pull out of their socket.













Dip (Lower Chest and Tricep)

Rest your weight on the palms of the hands.  Try not to let the wrist bend too far back, but make them an extension of your forearm.  Lower your chest slowly concentrating on keeping eveything tight.  Push through the hands on the way up.















Dumbbell Chest Press

This exercise works pretty much the whole chest, triceps, and front deltoids.

Make sure the weights are balanced properly over the chest.  Lower the weights slowly to the chest.  Push through the weights and push them toward the ceiling.





Get fit with a personal trainer Franklin TN
Personal Trainer Franklin TN. How to Pullup
Personal Trainer Franklin TN. How to bench press
Personal Trainer Franklin TN. How to bench press.
Personal Trainer Franklin TN. How to Pullup
Personal Trainer Franklin TN. How to bench press.
Personal Trainer Franklin TN. How to Bench press
Personal Trainer Franklin TN. How to rear delt fly.
Personal Trainer Franklin TN. How to Rear Delt Fly.
Personal Trainer Franklin TN. How to Side Raise/Lateral Shoulder Raise
Personal Trainer Franklin TN. How to Side Raise/Lateral Shoulder Raise
Personal Trainer Franklin TN. How to Standing biceps curl
Personal Trainer Franklin TN. How to Standing biceps curl
Personal Trainer Franklin TN. How to Lat Pulldown
Personal Trainer Franklin TN. How to Lat Pulldown
Personal Trainer Franklin TN. How to Upright Row
Personal Trainer Franklin TN. How to Upright Row
Personal Trainer Franklin TN. How to Dip
Personal Trainer Franklin TN. How to Dip
Personal Trainer Franklin TN. How to dumbbell chest press.
Personal Trainer Franklin TN. How to dumbbell chest press.

Exercise Tutorial provided by:

OnTrak Personal Training

Personal Trainer Franklin TN


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